Saturday, September 22, 2007

In case you didn't know this already, I have the best family in the world. Last night, I went home for a little while and then went to my cousins' football game in St. Mary's with my mom. I just can't express how much I love being with my family. My little brother Zachary is pretty much the sweetest 14-year-old you will ever meet. He was my strength during my time of transition back to America this summer. My other brother Nick is crazy like me. I love that we share this reckless abandonment for life. He has a mohawk, if that tells you anything. My dad has continually provided for me my entire life. I really think that he would give me anything that I asked for. Except for a tattoo. That one will have to wait. We have had some good talks lately about life and how to get through it, how to struggle through issues and weaknesses, and be rewarded for it in the end. My mom is pretty much incredible. Any mother that could literally sit and listen to her daughter talk for hours has got to rate high on the amazing-scale. My mom gave up so much for me to have and enjoy life. I would like to think that she has found it all worth it.

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